Add extra protection to your multi-month rental car.
Hertz now offers increased vehicle protection for customers with multi-month rental vehicles.

Hertz Standard – Included in all long term leases
Smaller cars: Deductible amount ISK 175.000. Windshield protection not included
Larger cars: Deductible amount ISK 195.000. Windshield protection not included

Hertz Super – Additional protection
Smaller cars: Price pr. month ISK 5.600.
Reduces the deductible amount from ISK 175.000 to ISK 15.000. Windshield protection not included
Larger cars: Price pr. month ISK 6.723.
Reduces the deductible amount from ISK 195.000 to ISK 24.000. Windshield protection not included

Hertz Super+ – Additional protection
Smaller cars: Price pr. month ISK 7.844.
Reduces the deductible amount from ISK 175.000 to ISK 15.000. Windshield protection included
Larger cars: Price pr. month ISK 8.967.
Reduces the deductible amount from ISK 195.000 to ISK 24.000. Windshield protection included
Windshield protection has ISK 0 deductible amount.
Please note that no protection covers the tires and underbody of the vehicle.
Further information can be found on the protection information page.