冰岛最叹为观止的美景分布于岛上各处,租车自驾毫无疑问是探索冰岛的最佳方式,能让你按照自己的喜好自由安排行程。冰岛有多条自由行路线可供选择,其中有两条是最受旅客欢迎的,它们就是黄金圈(Golden Circle)和一号环岛公路 (Route 1 Ring Road)。这两条路线有什么区别?哪条最适合你的冰岛之旅呢?在这篇攻略里,我们会对黄金圈和环岛公路进行详细地分析比较,帮你选择最完美的冰岛租车自驾游路线。
...阅读完整的帖子冰岛黄金圈是最受欢迎的冰岛自驾游路线之一,能让旅客在有限的时间内打卡冰岛的热门景点。虽然短短半天时间便可自驾游玩冰岛黄金圈,但是我们强烈建议安排更多的时间来充分探索岛上最叹为观止的自然奇景。 黄金圈始于冰岛首都雷克雅未克,全长仅有 190 英里,却途经冰岛三大必去打卡点,另外还有其他一些很值得游玩的景点。整条公路维护良好,非常易于驾驶,一天之内便可参观游玩路线上的所有景点。对于那些假期时间有限的旅客来说,这条旅游线路是再合适不过了。
...阅读完整的帖子雷克雅未克 (Reykjavik) 是冰岛的首都,也是很多旅客游览这个美丽的冰火之国的第一站。几乎每个坐飞机到冰岛的人都会先在这里降落,因此许多旅客都会选择在这座城市游玩几天。雷克雅未克有很多热门打卡点和特色活动,而且它离周边的景点都很近,这些优势都让它成为冰岛的必游之地。
...阅读完整的帖子Welcome to the land of fire and ice! Iceland is a country of incredible natural beauty, with landscapes ranging from glaciers and volcanoes to waterfalls and hot springs in Iceland. And nowhere is this beauty more apparent than in the highlands of Iceland, also named central highlands. Located in the center of the country, the […]
...阅读完整的帖子The peninsula that contains the natural wonders closest to Reykjavik often gets overlooked when people aim for the top crowd pleasers in Iceland. Just half an hour drive from the capital, or even closer to the airport, this hidden gem of a peninsula has escaped mainstream attention until recently, when our latest volcano in Fagradalsfjall […]
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