
January 31, 2023, Hertz冰島 冰島景點

到冰島旅行還只去藍湖泡溫泉,那你就OUT了。 當提到冰島時你會想到什麼?是充滿冰天雪地的酷寒世界,還是珍貴罕見的極光?儘管這些自然景色已經非常驚人,但冰島還擁有世界級的溫泉聖地,泡溫泉甚至也是冰島當地人,生活中重要的社交活動。



December 31, 2022, Hertz冰島 冰島景點

想在冰島自駕?冰島一號公路絕對是很多人冰島環島的路線首選!本文為你整理了冰島一號公路的路況分析、環島天數規劃,以及各種冰島自駕遊常見QA!更貼心準備了冰島旅遊景點地圖,探索冰島知名景點看這篇就夠! 不管是想要週末放鬆舒緩壓力,或花更多時間全面地探索這美麗廣大的冰島,那冰島一號環島公路將會是你旅途中無可避免的路線,它也是絕佳的自駕路線。



October 13, 2022, Hertz冰島 冰島景點




August 23, 2022, Hertz冰島 冰島景點



Away from the crowds on Reykjanes

May 28, 2021, Hertz Iceland 冰島景點

The peninsula that contains the natural wonders closest to Reykjavik often gets overlooked when people aim for the top crowd pleasers in Iceland. Just half an hour drive from the capital, or even closer to the airport, this hidden gem of a peninsula has escaped mainstream attention until recently, when our latest volcano in Fagradalsfjall […]


Hiking to the Volcano in Iceland: Everything you need to know

April 20, 2021, Hertz Iceland 冰島景點 冰島本地特色活動推薦 旅游安全貼士

After a month of earthquakes felt in the capital area, a fissure erupted on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Several volcanoes have resulted from the fissure line and have proven to be a “tourist eruptions.” The slow-flowing lazy lava allows visitors to hike to the Volcano and observe it up close and personal. Experts predict these volcanoes […]
