….閲讀全文冰島聞名於世的是令人嘆為觀止的自然景色,每年吸引上百萬的遊客造訪冰島。從奔騰飛躍的瀑布到活絡身心的地熱溫泉,都是這個島多變的樣貌。其中一種最引人注意的戶外活動,便是冰川健行啦!冰川健行英文是glacier hiking,是在冰島一年四季都可以體驗的特色活動,也是CP值最高、常年最受遊客歡迎的特色體驗之一。
….閲讀全文All you need to know and what you should see There are plenty of decent road trips out there, but then there is the Icelandic ring road to conquer them all. A truly fantastic experience where you cover as much as possible in a fairly short amount of time and driving distance, where beauty awaits […]
….閲讀全文Top things to do during the Icelandic summer solstice It’s nearing that time of year again when the Icelandic moss turns green, lupins bloom, the highlands open up, hotels all booked out, and the endless days of the midnight sun are upon us. It’s a magical time here just below the Arctic Circle, full of […]
….閲讀全文After a month of earthquakes felt in the capital area, a fissure erupted on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Several volcanoes have resulted from the fissure line and have proven to be a “tourist eruptions.” The slow-flowing lazy lava allows visitors to hike to the Volcano and observe it up close and personal. Experts predict these volcanoes […]